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当前位置:首页 > PVD&CVD Vacuum Equipment > CVD Vacuum Equipment
  • Vacuum degassing furnace

Vacuum degassing furnace

Model: PTD-6H
For reasons such as slow vacuuming speed and poor product adhesion due to moisture and oil on the product surface, the vacuum degassing furnace is filled with nitrogen and heated to remove the air, moisture, and oil in the vacuum chamber. It can greatly shorten the vacuuming time before coating, reduce the aerobic corrosion in the vacuum coating system, and extend the service life of the equipment.


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产品详情Product Details
  • 全国服务热线: 400-1558-796
  • 企业邮箱: james@parylene-cn.com
  • 公司地址: 苏州工业园区和顺路创投工业坊3区23栋
